Themes that are dealt with in Reich’s articles and lectures on care:
• The history of the idea of care in the western world
• Taking vulnerability seriously for an ethics of care
• The meaning of care as sympathy: its role in the healing professions
• How the idea of care was manipulated in Nazi medicine
• What we care about as the starting-point of all ethics.
• Population-based and evidence-based medicine: Threats to patient-based care?
• How Care, the Woman who symbolized anxiety, transformed the soul of Faust in Goethe’s
• Why the novel ‘Lady Care’ represents the metamorphosis of the modern meaning of care
• The art of caring for the dying
• Tolstoi’s ‘The Death of Ivan Ilyich’: the role of care in modern dying
• The search for meaning in suffering and compassion
• Care and compassion in the ethics of medicine
• Care and relatedness in nursing and nursing ethics
• Pharmacy ethics: how the idea of care has transformed the identity of the profession
• Caring for children and the mentally retarded
Articles and Chapters on Care:
“L’idea di simpatia: la sua importanza per la pratica e l’etica della medicina” [“The Idea of Sympathy: Its Importance for the Practice and Ethics of Medicine”], in Marianna Gensabella Furnari, ed., Il paziente, il medico, a l’arte della cura. Pages 13-31. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino, 2005. Translation of “Sympathie als Identitätsmerkmal der Heilberufe.”
"Malato Terminale: Paradigma di Cura" [“Terminal Illness: The Care Paradigm”], in Giovanni Russo, ed., Enciclopedia di Bioetica e Sessuologia, pp. 1091-1097. Leumann (Turin): Elledici, 2004.
"Vulnerabilità" [“Vulnerability”], in Giovanni Russo, ed., Enciclopedia di Bioetica e Sessuologia, pp. 1817-1823. Leumann (Turin): Elledici, 2004.
“Wer verdient Fürsorge? Gesundheitsreform und die Werte, die unsere Gesundheitssysteme formen” [“Who Deserves Care? Health-care Reform and the Values that Shape Our Health-Care Systems”], Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik Vol. 50, No. 3, 247-261.
“Providing Public Care: The Role of Sympathetic Concern,” Bioethics Outlook Vol. 14 No. 3 (September 2003), 1-12.
“Abbattere le mura che isolano i morenti: per un’etica del prendersi cura” [“Knocking down the walls that isolate the dying: towards an ethic of taking care”] in Alle frontiere della vita. Eutanasia ed etica del morire [At the frontiers of life. Euthanasia and the ethics of dying], Vol. 2, pp. 35-52. Marianna Gensabella Furnari, ed. Soveria Mannelli (Italy): Rubbettino, 2003. [Adaptation of "L'arte del prendersi cura del morente" listed below.]
“Prendersi cura dei vulnerabili: il punto d’incontro tra etica secolare ed etica religiosa nel mondo pluralistico” [“Taking Care of the Vulnerable: Meeting-Point for Secular and Religious Ethics in a Pluralistic World”], Lecture in Honor of the DalaiLama. Annali di Studi Religiosi 3 (2002), pp. 71-86. Trento: Università di Trento.
“Sympathie als Identitätsmerkmal der Heilberufe” [“Sympathy as Mark of the Identity of the Healing Professions”], in Die Heilberufe auf der Suche nach ihrer Identität [The Healing Professions in Search of Their Identity], pp. 18-31. Dietrich von Engelhardt, Volker von Loewinich, and Alfred Simon, eds. Münster: LIT Verlag, 2001.
“The Care-Based Ethic of Nazi Medicine and the Moral Importance of What We Care About,” American Journal of Bioethics Vol. 1, No. 1 (2001), 64-74.
“Die Bedeutung und die moralische Herausforderung des Konzepts ‘Sorge’ in Sudermanns Frau Sorge” [“The Meaning and Moral Challenge of the Idea of Care in Sudermann’s The Lady Care”], pp. 404-431, in Interdisziplinäre Ethik. Grundlagen, Methoden, Bereiche [Interdisciplinary Ethics: Foundations, Methods, Applications]. Festschrift in Honor of Professor Dietmar Mieth. Adrian Holderegger and Jean-Pierre Wils, eds. Freiburg i. Ue.: Universitätsverlag; Freiburg i. Br.: Herder, 2001.
“'Sorge' in Goethes Faust: Goethe als Moralist?” [“‘Care’ in Goethe’s Faust: Goethe as Moralist”?], in Erzählen und Moral - Narrativität im Spannungsfeld von Ethik und Ästhetik [Narrative and Morality: Narrativity in the Margins Between Ethics and Aesthetics], pp. 143-165. Dietmar Mieth, ed. Tübingen: Attempto-Verlag, 2000.
The Art of Caring for the Dying,” in Lars Østnor, ed., Bioetikk, evtanasi og omsorg. Rapport fra Nordisk teologisk nettverk for bioetikks workshop i Helsinki, 26.-28. september 1997 [Bioethics, euthanasia, and care. Report of the Workshop of the Nordic Theological Network for Bioethics held in Helsinki, 26-28 September 1997.], pp 14-29.Oslo: Nordisk teologisk nettverk for bioetikk, 1997.
“What 'Care' Can Mean for Pharmaceutical Ethics," Journal of Pharmacy Teaching, 5:1/2 (1996), 1-17. Also in Ethical Dimensions of Pharmaceutical Care, ed. Amy Marie Haddad and Robert A. Buerki (Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, 1996), pp. 1-17.
"A New Era for Bioethics: The Search for Meaning in Moral Experience," in Alan Verhey, ed., Religion and Medical Ethics: Looking Back, Looking Forward, pp. 96-119. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 1996.
"El Arte de Cuidar a los Moribundos" [“The Art of Caring for the Dying”] in Morir con Dignidad: Dilemas Éticos en el Final de la Vida [Dying With Dignity: Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life], pp. 72-91. Proceedings of the Conference organized by the Fundación de Ciencias de la Salud, October 25, 1995. Madrid: Ediciones Doce Calles, 1996.
"L'arte del prendersi cura del morente" [“The Art of Caring for the Dying”], Itinerarium, 4,6 (1996), pp. 31-43.
"Curare e prendersi cura. Nuovi orizzonti dell'etica infermieristica" [“Taking Care of and Caring About: New Horizons in Nursing Ethics”], L'Arco di Giano: Rivista di Medical Humanities, 10 (1996), 9-24.
"Care: I. History of the Notion of Care," in Warren Thomas Reich, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 2nd Edition. 5 Volumes. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995. Pp. 319-331. Reprinted as a “classic article” in the third edition: Stephen G. Post, ed. New York: Thomson Gale, Macmillan
Reference, 2003. Pp. 349-361
"Care: II. Historical Dimensions of an Ethic of Care in Health Care," in Warren Thomas Reich, ed., Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 2nd Edition. 5 Volumes. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995. Pp. 331-336. Reprinted as a “classic article” in the third edition: Stephen G. Post, ed. New York: Thomson Gale, Macmillan Reference, 2003. Pp. 361-367.
"Care: III. Contemporary Ethics of Care," in Warren Thomas Reich, Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 2nd Edition. 5 Volumes. New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995. Pp. 336-344. Co-author with Nancy S. Jecker. A revised version of this article was published in the 3rd edition: Stephen G. Post, ed. New York: Thomson Gale, Macmillan Reference, 2003. Pp. 367-374.
"Alle origini dell'etica medica: Mito del contratto o mito di Cura?" [“The Origins of Medical Ethics: Myth of Contract or Myth of Care?”] in P. Cattorini and R. Mordacci (eds.), Modelli di Medicina: Crisi e Attualità dell'Idea di Professione [Models of Medicine: Crisis and a Contemporary Understanding of the Idea of Profession], pp. 35-59. Milan: Europa Scienze Umane Editrice, 1993.
"The Case: Denny's Story, " and "Commentary: Caring as Extraordinary Means," Second Opinion 17:1 (1991), 41-56.
"Ein neues Paradigma: Erfahrung als Quelle der Bioethik" [“A New Paradigm: Experience as Source of Bioethics”], in Klaus Steigleder and Dietmar Mieth, eds., Ethik in den Wissenschaften: Ariadnefaden im technischen Labyrinth? [Ethics in the Sciences: Ariadne’s Clue in a Technical Labyrinth?], pp. 270-292. Tübingen: Attempto, 1990.
"Speaking of Suffering: A Moral Account of Compassion," Soundings 72:1 (1989), 83-108.
"Caring for Life in the First of It: Moral Paradigms for Perinatal and Neonatal Ethics," in Seminars in Perinatology, pp. 279-287. Orlando, Florida: Grune and Stratton, July, l987.
"Paradigmen für die Bioethik. Lagebericht und Lagebeurteilung" [“Paradigms for Bioethics: Report and Commentary on the Contemporary Situation”], Medizin, Mensch, Gesellschaft 11 (1986), 231-236.
"Mas Alla de los Derechos: Hacia una Etica del Cuidado del Niño Mentalmente Retardado" [“Beyond Rights: Towards an Ethics of Care for the Mentally Retarded Child”], in Retardo Mental, pp. 406-416. Caracas: Avepane, 1985. |